Spain Montserrat (1657)
A Daughter's Faith: The Miraculous Masses of Montserrat
The Eucharistic miracle of Montserrat invites us to reflect deeply on the reality of purgatory and serves as a powerful reminder of the infinite value of every Mass. Each Mass makes present the unique sacrifice of Christ suffering on Calvary in our minds. This miraculous event is recounted by the Benedictine priest, R.P. Francio de Paula Crusellas, in his text, "New History of the Sanctuary and Monastery of Our Lady of Montserrat."
The Setting
In 1657, the Most Reverend Father Don Bernardo de Ontevieros, General of the Benedictine Order in Spain, and Abbot Don Millán de Mirando, attended a conference at the Monastery of Our Lady of Montserrat. During one of these conferences, a woman and her young daughter approached Abbot Millán de Mirando with a heartfelt plea.
The Request
The young girl begged Abbot Millán de Mirando to celebrate three Masses in memory of her deceased father. She was wholeheartedly convinced that these Masses would release her father's soul from the pains of purgatory. Moved by the girl's earnest request, the Abbot agreed and began to celebrate the first Mass the following day.
The First Mass
During the first Mass, the girl, who was present with her mother, reported seeing her father kneeling and surrounded by frightening flames at the step of the main altar during the consecration. Skeptical, the priest and the General asked the girl to place a tissue close to the invisible flames surrounding her father to verify her story. To their astonishment, the tissue began to burn with a lively flame.
The Second Mass
At the second Mass, the girl saw her father dressed in a vibrantly colored suit standing next to the deacon. This transformation indicated a significant change in the father's state, signifying progress in his purification process.
The Third Mass
During the third Mass, the girl's father appeared dressed in a snow-white suit, symbolizing his purification. As soon as the Mass ended, the girl exclaimed, “There is my father going away and rising into the sky!” She then thanked the community of monks on behalf of her father, as he had asked her to do.
This miraculous event was witnessed by the Most Reverend General of the Benedictine Order in Spain, the Bishop of Astorga, and numerous citizens of the town. The Eucharistic miracle of Montserrat not only highlights the significance of the Mass but also provides a vivid illustration of the power of prayer and the profound mysteries of our faith.