Spain Córdoba (1900?)

The Hand of Mercy: A Divine Intervention in Cordoba

Within the monastery of Santa Ana and San José in Córdoba, an ancient cross known as the Cross of Forgiveness depicts Jesus with His right hand hanging down. This unusual feature dates back to a miraculous event. A sinner repeatedly confessed his grave sins to a strict priest, who eventually refused him absolution. At that moment, Jesus' right hand on the cross dropped, and a voice declared, "I am the one who shed blood on this person, not you." This miracle underscores the boundless mercy of Christ and serves as a lasting reminder of His infinite compassion and forgiveness.

The Ancient Cross

Inside the monastery of Santa Ana and San José in Cordoba, there is an ancient cross known as the Cross of Forgiveness. This unique crucifix depicts Jesus with His right hand hanging down towards the ground, a distinct and significant feature that has a remarkable story behind it.

Cruxifix of Forgiveness

The Sinner's Confessions

One day, a sinner approached the priest under this cross to confess his grave sins. The priest, known for his strictness, imposed a severe penance. The man repented but soon fell into sin again and returned for another confession. This time, the priest warned him that it would be the last time he forgave him.

Months later, the sinner succumbed to the same temptations and came back for confession. Kneeling beneath the cross, he begged for forgiveness once more. The priest, frustrated, refused absolution and sternly rebuked the man, telling him not to play with God's mercy.

The Divine Intervention

At that moment, a noise was heard, and the right hand of Jesus on the cross suddenly dropped down. A voice resonated, saying, "I am the one who shed blood on this person, not you." This miraculous event left everyone in awe and since then, the right hand of Jesus remains in this position as a powerful reminder of the infinite mercy of our divine Savior.

The Significance

The Cross of Forgiveness stands as a testament to the boundless compassion and mercy of Jesus Christ. It serves as a profound symbol that no matter how many times one falls, God's forgiveness is always available to those who truly repent.

This story from the monastery of Santa Ana and San José continues to inspire and remind the faithful of the depth of God's love and forgiveness.