Spain Caravaca de la Cruz (1231)

Angels and the King: The Miracle of Caravaca de la Cruz

A captured Christian priest, Don Gínes Pérez Chirinos de Cuenca, was ordered by the Moorish King Abu-Zeyt to explain and celebrate the Mass. Lacking a crucial Cross, the priest paused the ceremony. Suddenly, two angels appeared, placing a Cross on the altar. During the consecration, the king saw a baby in place of the Host. Overwhelmed by these divine signs, the king and his family converted to Christianity. This miraculous event on March 3, 1231, gave Caravaca de la Cruz its name and led to its recognition as a site of perpetual jubilee by the Holy See.
A Miraculous Mass

The Eucharistic miracle of Caravaca de la Cruz centers around a miraculous Mass during which Jesus appeared inside a Host alongside a Crucifix. This miraculous event led to the conversion of the Muslim king of Murcia and his family to Catholicism. The most authoritative account of this miracle is found in the contemporary testimony of the Franciscan historian, Father Gilles de Zamora, who served King Saint Ferdinand.

The Journey of Don Gínes Pérez Chirinos de Cuenca Among the many documents that report this miracle, the account by Father Gilles de Zamora is considered the most credible. According to historical records, a Christian priest named Don Gínes Pérez Chirinos de Cuenca traveled through the Moors' territory in the Kingdom of Murcia with the mission of preaching the Gospel. He was captured and brought before the Moorish King, Abu-Zeyt. The king, curious about Christianity, particularly wanted to understand the Mass in greater detail.

The Request for the Mass

Fascinated by the priest’s explanation, King Abu-Zeyt ordered Don Gínes to celebrate a Mass immediately. However, the priest lacked the necessary equipment for the celebration. The king sent some of his men to fetch the required items from the nearby Christian country of Cuenca. Despite their efforts, they forgot to bring a Cross, which is essential for the Mass. The priest began the Mass but realized the absence of the Cross and stopped, deeply troubled.

The Appearance of the Cross

The king asked the priest why he was disturbed, and the priest explained the need for a Cross. The king pointed to the altar and asked, "Wouldn't that be it?" At that moment, two angels appeared, placing a Cross upon the altar. The priest, moved by this divine intervention, gave thanks to the Lord and continued with the celebration.

The Consecration and Conversion

The miracle continued during the consecration when the Muslim king saw a beautiful baby in place of the Host, gazing at him with love. Witnessing this miraculous event, the king and his family converted to Christianity and were baptized. King Abu-Zeyt took the name Vincent, and his wife became Elena. From that day, the 3rd of March 1231, the place has been called Caravaca de la Cruz.

Recognition and Perpetual Jubilee

In recognition of this miraculous event, the Holy See granted Caravaca de la Cruz the unique privilege of celebrating the Perpetual Jubilee. This made it the fifth city in the world, after Santiago de Compostela, Santo Toribio de Liébana, Rome, and Jerusalem, to celebrate a Holy Year every seven years in perpetuity. The Sanctuary of the Holy Cross in Caravaca de la Cruz continues to be a significant site of pilgrimage and devotion.