Poland Legnica (2013)

The Heart of Legnica: A Modern Eucharistic Miracle

In 2013, a consecrated Host fell during Mass at St. Hyacinth’s Church in Legnica, Poland. Days later, a red stain appeared on the Host. Scientific analysis revealed the stain resembled human heart tissue, complete with signs of agony. Recognized by the Vatican as a miracle, this event echoes historical Eucharistic miracles and continues to inspire devotion among the faithful.
The Incident

On December 25, 2013, during Holy Mass at St. Hyacinth’s Church in Legnica, a consecrated Host accidentally fell to the ground during the distribution of Communion. Following Canon Law, the Host was immediately placed in a container with water and stored in the tabernacle.

The Discovery

A few days later, a red spot appeared on the Host's surface. On January 4, 2014, nearly two weeks later, Father Andrzej Ziombra, along with other priests, examined the Host. They noticed that it had not dissolved and observed a red spot covering a fifth of its surface. They promptly informed Bishop Stefan Cichy, who established a special theological and scientific commission to analyze the event. Over time, the red stain changed color from deep red to reddish-brown.

Scientific Analysis

On January 26, 2014, scientists took a sample of the Host. Initial analysis by the Wrocław Forensic Medicine Institute ruled out the presence of bacteria or fungi. A second histopathological analysis indicated that some fragments appeared to belong to myocardial tissue. The Institute of Forensic Medicine in Szczecin conducted further tests using a different method and found "tissue fragments containing fragmented parts of cross-striated muscle," similar to "human heart muscle with alterations that often appear during agony." Although the blood was not tested, human DNA was identified.

Recognition by the Vatican

The results of the analyses were presented to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which recognized the supernatural nature of the event. Remarkably, the findings were similar to those of the Lanciano Eucharistic Miracle of 700 A.D. and other recent miracles, such as those in Sokolka (2008, Poland), Tixtla (2006, Mexico), and Buenos Aires (1996, Argentina).

Public Veneration

On April 17, 2016, following instructions from the Holy See, Monsignor Zbigniew Kiernikowski, the new Bishop of Legnica, announced during Mass that Father Andrzej Ziombra should "prepare a suitable place for the exhibition of the precious relic, so that the faithful can express their adoration properly."


The Eucharistic Miracle of Legnica stands as a profound testament to the mystery and power of the Holy Eucharist, drawing parallels with other recognized miracles and continuing to inspire the faithful worldwide.