Italy Rome (Imprint) (1610)

The Doubting Priest and the Miraculous Imprint: A Visible Testament of Faith

In the ancient Church of Santa Pudenziana in Rome, a priest's moment of doubt during Mass led to a miraculous event. As the consecrated Host slipped from his hands, it left an indelible imprint and bloodstain on the altar steps. This visible mark, still present today in the Caetani Chapel, serves as a powerful testament to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, reminding all who see it of the enduring power of faith.
The Imprint of the Fallen Host

Today, visitors to the Caetani Chapel in the Church of Santa Pudenziana in Rome can still see the miraculous imprint left by a consecrated Host. This remarkable mark was created when the Host fell from the hands of a doubting priest during Mass, leaving a permanent reminder on the steps of the altar.

Historical Background of Santa Pudenziana

Santa Pudenziana is one of the oldest churches in Rome. According to many historians, the Roman Senator Pudente hosted the Apostle Peter in his home, which stood on the site where the church was later built. The church's name is believed to derive from the senator's daughter, Pudenziana.

The Legacy of Pudenziana and Prassede

Pudenziana and her sister Prassede became famous for their devotion to the early Christian martyrs, despite never being martyred themselves. They were known for wiping off the blood of martyrs after executions. The church, adorned with numerous Roman mosaics from the early Christian era, was constructed in 145 A.D. on the site of Senator Pudente's house, fulfilling the wishes of his daughters.

The Caetani Chapel and the Miraculous Imprint

The Caetani Chapel, built by the Caetani family, houses the miraculous imprint on the altar steps. The mark was left by a Host that fell from the hands of a priest who was overtaken by doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host. Immediately after the consecration, the priest inadvertently dropped the Host, which left an imprint and a bloodstain that remain visible today.

This miraculous imprint serves as a powerful testament to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and continues to inspire faith in all who visit the Church of Santa Pudenziana.